Is your Sunday school in need of a special growth and renewal effort? Would the P.S.S.S.A.’s “Steps To Sunday School Success” workshop in book form be of value to you? Take our “Sunday School Growth” test to find out…
Over the past five years, has your Sunday school had an average yearly increase in attendance?
Do you have at least 10% more children, youth and young adults attending each week, compared to five years ago?
Can you name at least 4 new families who have started attending your Sunday school during the past two years?
Do at least 75% of the persons who attend your worship services also attend your Sunday school?
Do you have a class for every person of every age who might come to your Sunday school?
Are your Sunday school teachers doing everything possible to make each of their lessons interesting and relevant?
Does your church offer help and support (workshops, books and other resources) to your Sunday school teachers?
Do you provide social and fellowship opportunities for all individuals and for families on a regular basis?
When new persons or families come to your Sunday school, are they accepted and truly made to feel welcome?
Does your Sunday school offer all members opportunities for service to God and their fellowman?
Are all of your members committed to God, His Word and doing His will, and to sharing Jesus Christ with others?
Does your Sunday school have a “goal” and a plan for outreach and growth?
If you answered “no” to four or more of these questions, your church and Sunday school are in need of a special growth and renewal effort!